Players control Fox McCloud and his Arwing as his team attempts to thwart the plans of the evil mad scientist Andross. Star Fox 64 took gamers to the skies in the sequel to 1993’s Star Fox for the SNES. For instance, Metal Gear Solid 2’s developers adopted the game’s unique cover style and used its revolutionary laser sight mechanic when crafting their own title. At first glance, WinBack seems a rip-off of the Metal Gear Solid franchise, though it actually influenced much of the gameplay found in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. When the Secretary of Defense then tasks your unit with retrieving a laser weapon from the hands of a terrorist group called the “Crying Lions,” you have no other option but to oblige.

In WinBack, players assumed the role of Jean-Luc Cougar, a member of the United Nations’ anti-terrorist unit (SCAT). Koei’s WinBack not only gave N64 gamers their first taste of the tactical, stealth-action genre, but it helped set the stage for many iconic video games that followed. The developers set out to create a game bridging the gap between The Empire Strikes Back and the Return of the Jedi over the course of the game’s 10 missions, and though it may appear prehistoric now, it was one of the N64’s defining moments when it released nearly 20 years ago. From battling an Imperial AT-ST (on foot!) to going head-to-head with the merciless Boba Fett, Shadows of the Empire didn’t skimp on challenging bosses. In addition to the game’s impressive levels and intriguing storyline, its boss battles were exceptional. Moreover, players still have the opportunity to fight alongside Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, and Chewbacca in an effort to help rescue the captured Princess Leia through the course of the campaign. Fans of the Star Wars universe will quickly recognize the franchise’s various locales as Rendar travels far and wide. Although bogged down by occasional awkward camera issues, the third-person shooting controls were easy to pick up and enjoy. However, as soon as gamers assumed the role of Dash Rendar and were thrust into the Battle of Hoth, they quickly forgave the developers in this Star Wars game. When Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire released in 1996, players initially lamented the fact they couldn’t play as one of the series’ stars like Han Solo or Luke Skywalker. Jet Force Gemini’s strong single-player offering, as well as its deep multiplayer options, easily made it a must-play title. The game also featured several other multiplayer modes, such as an overhead racing mini-game and a fire-range mode which placed players on rails as they traversed levels. Aside from the head-to-head multiplayer modes, Jet Force Gemini also allowed two players to play in a non-split screen cooperative mode in which one player assumes the role of a floating robot and assists the first player in various missions. Players had the option of setting their desired level, the types of weapons found during the match, and the number of kills necessary for victory. Like many N64 games on our list, the game featured a head-t0-head deathmatch mode which pitted you and up to three friends against one another in an all-out battle. Rare’s Jet Force Gemini didn’t just excel with its single-player campaign, though it also boasted a robust multiplayer offering. For instance, Juno could walk through magma un-harmed. Players were encouraged to explore every nook and cranny in order to advance to the next world. While playing through each level, gamers had access to three different members of the team Juno, Vela, and Lupus. Each world featured its own set of enemies, environments, and platforming puzzles which were best conquered by utilizing the strengths of each character.

It combined the mechanics of third-person shooting, platforming, and running-and-gunning, to produce an end result unlike much of what the N64 had seen thus far.

Developed by Rare - the studio behind GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, and Battletoads - and published by Nintendo, Jet Force Gemini set gamers on an epic sci-fi adventure.

Jet Force Gemini remains one of the most unique and entertaining experiences on the Nintendo 64. If you think you can name all the best N64 games, read on and see how well you do. In honor of these games we grew up and loved so much, w e have compiled a list of all of the best N64 games based on their genre. Although not all the games from the N64 could survive the tests of time, there are quite a few that have place in our hearts. New Mario games and Pokemon titles became some of the highlights for the system, bringing characters to life in a way we had not seen before. The concept of “3-D gaming” was entirely new, bringing us closer to the characters and stories we already loved. When the N64 was introduced to the gaming world, people were taken aback by how the graphics came to life compared to NES games and SNES.